Thursday, August 21, 2008

wendy tagged me and so here i go...

I am...a tall, curvy woman.

I think...about my little girls all the time, day and night.

I know...that I have been blessed beyond my understanding and that I should contribute all I can to helping those who have not had my same fortunes in life.

I create (dances, drawings, songs, more babies)

I have...enough

I make a sizable difference in young girls' lives, particularly 'at risk' girls

I hate...that those 'at risk' girls are at risk!

I miss... Utah- the mountains

I fear...letting fear determine too many important decisions in my life

I feel... for those who are lonely

I hear...Haily Jane singing in that sweet, little girl voice, always singing, singing, singing

I sweat right now, I just got done teaching dance

I search...this one has me stumped, I guess I search for reasons for why people do the things they do...I loved my psych classes in college and I love reading psychology books.

I wonder...if I'll have another baby sometime...

I regret...breaking a boy's heart in high school- I wonder if he forgives me (?)

I love...that I was Aaron's first real kiss- hee hee!

I care...about my three brothers. I want them to be successful, find love and happiness.

I always... always, always have a cold diet coke in the fridge

I am not...petite in any way, shape or form, except my ankles, I guess, or my wrists, OK but only those parts, everything else is like Olga, the Russian farmer's wife, or maybe I should be a little kinder to myself...I am big and lovely like Jessica Rabbit, like Marilyn Monroe, like Wonder Woman from the Amazon get the point.

I believe...that one day, there will be peace and hope for everyone

I dance... with my girls all the time

I duets or trios- I have a great alto voice, but I am not a soloist!

I don't...always take my make-up off before bed

I journal about my little girls, my ideas and my questions

I win...wrestling matches with Aaron because he is ticklish and I am not.

I lose...wrestling matches with Aaron because he eventually gets tired of being tickled and just pins me.

I never...try purposefully to hurt someone

I listen...carefully, I am a good listener (my dad is a psychologist, I have learned from a pro)

I can usually be found...doing home improvement projects all around the house, any given day of the week, any time of the day-the next project is learning how to tile a floor

I am scared of...those sad people who would hurt my children if given the chance

I read... way too scary for me books about serial killers- what's the matter with me?

I am happy about...having wonderful friends and family who support me and love my kids.

OK- lets see here...I tag Aaron and Meikel. This actually was fun to do, you find out cool things about yourself. Thanks Wendy!