Our family was invited to the Mapleton Lamberts' home for Thanksgiving. And this was a treat because my Aunt and Uncle truly know how to entertain. Everything you eat there is perfection, the company is cheerful and their log cabin style home is cozy and warm. We had a lovely time!
This is cutie Charlie with his Momma Annie.
There were two of these smoked turkeys- both stuffed with apples and onions, and fresh herbs. Delicious.
These pewter cups and pouring jug are something I would like to get myself- they keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot.
Everything is handmade. These are my Aunt Becky's rolls and they are divine.
My other Auntie, Lisa, brought down the house with her coconut cream pie that got eaten by everyone in about 5 minutes flat as soon as it was topped with fresh sweet cream!
Thank you to my relatives for creating such a wonderful holiday for me and my family!