Friday, February 20, 2009

sunday reading




So, a while ago, I read about the creator of Grey's Anatomy and how she came to do well in writing. She said it had to do with a lot of reading. On Sundays in the household she grew up in, her mother, father and siblings had reading time where everyone would choose material or books to read in their family room- together.

That seems like a good tradition to start and so we did. We decided to read in the girls' room though because that is where all their books are... Myka is able to read many of her own books now and Haily sees this and very much wants to be able to read on her own just like her big sister.

Here is Aaron telling the story of Harriet, the woodland Princess from 'There's a Worm in My Dirt', by Gary Larsen (a Tacoma native, by the way).