Wednesday, November 21, 2012

family photos

I am currently figuring out our 2012 family photo- outfits, location, etc--and I found this online...what do you think?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

i don't have a post title, it doesn't deserve one

I made the mistake of looking up testimony of the Sandusky trial.

Big Mistake! Because I am sick now.  Sicker about it that when the case came into light a year ago.  No need to go into the details of exactly what Gerry Sandusky did to children in his home and the showers at Penn State here on my family blog- but- something that digs into my skin and won't let go is- the Godlike status he and his coaching team had acquired in that town; and the reluctance of any informed adult, administrator or law enforcement to help!

One victim and his mother went to the police, and the officer listened to their story and then told them to go home and think about what they were doing.  He didn't want to help them pursue their allegations -  !  -  For football?   !   !  ?  !  !  Football???  For a football coach?  Just because Gerry Sandusky is a Penn State coach?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
A football coach's reputation is more important than the worth of a young boy's safety??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????For football?  Just for football?? How in the name of all that is holy could football command such action from
a whole community?  What is wrong here?  Something is so wrong here!!  Football cannot possibly be that wonderful.  It just can't.  What is wrong with that town?  What is wrong with those administrators who were covering up.  Football and money???  Oh- I can't express my disgust.  

new baby leo


myka's drawing

This is a quick photo from my phone of Myka's new drawing of her cat Tripoli and all her kittens.  Isn't it so cute?

sara ganim

I am impressed with this lady.  She broke the Jerry Sandusky story wide open with her journalism skills!

(And while reading a CNN article on her adventure I came to read that one victim had been yelling for help from the Sandusky home basement where he knew Mrs. Sandusky would hear and surely help him- yet he screamed in vain.  Yikes!  Doesn't that make Mrs. Sandusky some kind of 'child endagerment' criminal?  Or 'turning a blind eye' criminal?  I honestly can't imagine being married to a predator for that long and having absolutely no idea of his 'habits'.)