Wednesday, July 31, 2013

an imaginary conversation with my blog

blog to me

'So, boss, why haven't you posted regularly for quite some time?'

me to blog





"Honestly, things have been kind of hard for about a year-- '

'It began last summer when I found out my daughter had experienced bullying that had gone on in her class without me knowing it- and- without her teacher noticing it for a whole year!!' (all in angry voice)

'and in between all the regular stuff we have been helping that situation and it really hasn't been all roses, so I haven't wanted to post stuff that isn't rosy...'




'But, you could still post pics of small events, accomplishments, or
even bad hair days.  Blogs aren't all for just happy things, or for
posed pictures that you set up to make it look like your life is


'Ooooooh no!  I can't post about real life!  I can't post pictures that aren't full of cute hair, nails, dresses, handsome-muscular husbands, $100 date nights, new expensive homes, perfect children, clean as whistle kitchens, dream vacations to Hawaii/Europe!  Impossible!  Plus then people will know what's really up...'


'You know, I have been chatting with my blog friends here inside the computer, and we were just having a hoot over you humans and how you don't realize that just because a blogger takes pictures of their 'perfect' life, it doesn't reflect their true reality.  You know the old saying, "If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is too good to be true..."


sniffle, 'What?'


'If your friends' blog look too good to be true- then they are not true.  They have chosen to only show one dimension of their life--'


(thinking and thinking and then some more thinking...)

Me to Self

'Maybe it would be OK to show more than one dimension of our life on my family blog...'